If you haven't already, you MUST watch this video clip of Chip Reid and Helen Thomas tearing in to press secretary /slash/ head propagandist Robert Gibbs. While normally complacent and inline with administration policy, the ultra-liberal Thomas was very quick to pull out her talons in defense of the 1st Amendment. Watch it in it's entirety, it's GREAT! I watched it three times already....hilarious!
I've witnessed this manipulation since last years campaign. It always looked obvious Obama's public persona is completely, 100% scripted and fabricated. I don' think most people even really know who he is, myself included. But what is becoming clear is that the White House press corps is no longer tolerating scripted dialog. I believe they are beginning to understand that his presidency is only a show. One big, long, scripted show.
I'm not convinced that the leftist media will continue this agitation, as presidential access and ideology may muffle any outcry of the now obviously staged media machine. They may just well shrug their shoulders and say, "Oh well.." However, we'll take this as a small victory in what is a normally lapdog press corps, and chalk this one in to the history books as more proof that they can fool some people some of the time, but they can't fool them all forever. They can't, can they?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Robert Gibbs gets served by Helen Thomas
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Walter E. Williams on the Bill of Rights
Walter Williams has a very good article about the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments. There are reasons our founding fathers were specific to include these important liberties. I think Americans have taken these liberties for granted for so long, that it is now acceptable for our rights to be infringed. In some regards, I think we deserve our current president and Congress. We haven't even begun to feel the pain yet....wait until the SCOTUS goes completely left. Then we will be beyond the point of return...I only hope 2010 and 2012 gets here quick enough.
I encourage all civic minded Americans and those sympathetic to individual freedom and liberty to read and understand the Constitution and the first 10 Amendments.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
ABC and the White House finally come out of the closet
Folks, if the the White House has to whore around with their government sponsored media in order to sell an idea, you know we're in a heap of trouble. Who do we have to look after our interests when the people that are supposed to question our leaders are actually propagandizing the message?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Cheney vs. Obama
There's been quite a bit of hoopla over the amount of attention Cheney has commanded recently. It seems he is the lone "mainstream" voice for conservatism. I think other Republicans would be better served following his lead instead of cowering in the shadows waiting for poll numbers to see how they should react.
You know, I think our elected officials are examples of just the types of people that should NOT be in positions of power. We need leaders that take a stand, lay out a direction, and vote on principal and NOT cowards who just sit back and wait for unelected personalities to go out fight the battles. Yes, most of our elected Republicans are pussies. Meanwhile, we have Cheney mopping the floor with Obama, while our "brave" officials twiddle their thumbs. Hell, we have Liz Cheney putting up more fight than the bums on Capital Hill. This is proof that fighting works!
Folks, we need to clean house and get the bums out of power - Dems AND Pubs.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Obama complains about debt as he charges away the future
In an ironic turn of events that left me scratching my head and feeling like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone, President Obama said today that he believes the country is in too much debt. If you're any sane individual that has been observing the incredible rate at which the current Congress and Obama have been spending, you are right now scratching your head and screaming "WTF!!!"
I can't even believe that he's saying this. Obama, in concert with the Pelosi/Reid legislature has been the spearhead of the current spending orgy that he has proudly promoted and passed. In light of his seemingly now self-purported poor judgment, he should at least offer the head of those responsible for selling to the American public that this ludicrous spending was the correct way to get the economy going. As he admitted, it wasn't.
Remember, it was Hillary Clinton that was sent over to China just two months ago hustling our seemingly worthless treasury bonds to the ChiComs. And obviously, it stands to reason that if you just print money from nowhere then you will experience inflation. There is at least one big idiot in the administration (I know, many more than that).Obama needs to admit this shortcoming and if he's serious about this statement of reckless spending, then he should immediately rescind this irresponsible budget and get the country back to independence and prosperity.
Once again, the naivete, and arguably outright incompetence of the current administration has sold America short and left us in debt with the worst of our situation yet to arrive (ie. inflation and further unemployment).
Whatever the case, Obama is complaining about the size of the hole all the while he's busy helping to dig it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Phony veteran used by Colorado Democrat politicians
To help paint the picture of how absurd this whole mythical perpetuation existed, I implore you to read the posting at this site, "This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here." Here it is documented to the extent at which this lie was used in a subversive political attempt to capture military vote.
The local media portrays this guy to be an escaped mental patient. As a matter of fact, I haven't heard one single comment made regarding the political ads that were made during the election cycle. Is the media really this inept at reporting? Were the Democrats really this stupid? I'm inclined to believe that this is just another example of more Democrat voting fraud.
Colorado Springs CBS Affiliate KKTV News
Colorado Springs NBC Affiliate KOAA News
Colorado Springs Gazette
Friday, May 1, 2009
Is Cap and Trade the new subversive tax? You bet it is!
For all the talk coming from the Obama administration regarding his "95% tax cut for all Americans", most of what I've been reading lately is that Obama's funding for his ever growing government (Ala TARP and Stimulus) will be stealth increases such as Cap and Trade. Similar to how the CAFE standards back in the 70's forced industry to regulate emissions and dictate business practices, which in turn increased cost for those particular goods, Cap and Trade is another backdoor energy tax that is reportedly going to cost over $3000 per person, per year.
Truth be told, if most Americans knew their energy bill was going up, there would be zero, zilch, nada support for this. Forget the point that Cap and Trade will do nothing to help the environment. But, when will the mainstream media pick up on this subversive lie that is Cap and Trade?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Arlen's jump is good news for Conservatism
Well, it looks like ol' Arlen has read the writing on the wall and has decided to go where he belongs. He's finally home. Having been in the Senate since 1980, I can say it's about time!
By the way, don't expect this to get reported correctly in the mainstream press. The MSM and leftist bloggers are going to portray this as further destruction of the Republican party. I have a feeling CNN, MSNBC, and the major pundits are going to have a field day mis-reading the tea leaves. They see this as more evidence of the demise of Republicans everywhere. They couldn't be more wrong! They only see Republican and Democrat.
This is exactly what Conservatives should be hoping for. The 'Pubs need to further purge Liberals like Spector that cling on to the Republican party because that's what they have to do to get elected. Those two Senators from Maine should consider doing the same thing. Why be a Republican when you vote with Democrats anyway?
Spector probably realizes that he screwed up with his support of the Stimulus bill as well as his support for fast-track legalization of illegal immigrants. I'm sure his phone is ringing off the hook non-stop from his angry constituents. Given that just a month ago he swore his allegiance to the Republican party, I can only think that his internal polling data shows he doesn't stand a chance in hell at being re-elected in the primaries. So, logically this might be the only move he has at retaining power.
What I'm saying is that Spector is running like a rat right now. He's looking for a way to hold the reigns and jumping over to the Dems - to which he is ideologically closer to than Republicans anyway.
I truly believe that as the country becomes more polarized that we will see more of this happen. I don't at all believe that this is a detriment to the party. I'm having deja vu of the 1994 Congressional revolt that completely shook up the political map. I can see this happening again due to the arrogance and complacency that has befell the Democrat party, as well as the swell of dissent that is only getting louder and louder as true freedom loving Americans begin to see that they were hood-winked with this President and the Liberal Congress.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Teleprompter to Obama: "Who's the Beyatch Now?"
In a recent Politico article, it seems that Barrack's teleprompter is attempting to sabotage our new president. I would argue that if the president would learn how to formulate and speak his own words, he wouldn't have this problem. Maybe I'm "out of the norm".
Seriously, I think the way his teleprompter treats him is symbolic of how his perception is of how Americans should be treated.
Hear me out....
I am of the view that someone of Obama's stature and education should be able to hold a speech without the absolute crutch of having a teleprompter or some other mental cue of what the heck your talking about. But, who can really memorize whole speeches and your internal beliefs and stuff? If I was Obama, I would use this vulnerability as an illustration that even the President of the U.S.A. is not infallible to the pitfalls inherent of being a mere human being. To continue, he should use this to paint a complete picture that "since the president isn't even capable of forming his own words and speech, far be it for you, a mere peasant in our big world of confusing economic times, to form your own thoughts and decisions of your future, your money, and the well being of the United States."
No, like the banking, housing, and economic crises, the White House should look at Barrack's inability to speak as an opportunity to tell Americans how fallible we are. This is the perfect time for the new administration to tell Americans how ineffectual we ALL are. "He's only a man, we're only a country".
So my question to Barrack would be, when will the teleprompter give our country a positive direction? And when will the teleprompter be promoted to President Czar?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Barrack's 1st 100 Days: "Good news for government dependency, Bad news for economic opportunity"
The Politico has an interesting story headlined on Drudge Report regarding Barrack's first 100 days. Apparently supporters of the president are ecstatic at the job he's doing.
Here are my observations about Barrack's first 100 days and the reasons as to why he's perceived favorably among his constituency.
First, I still prescribe to the belief that a huge proportion of the general population, as well as a majority of the Obama voters do not understand the world view that Barrack possesses. They believe that the charges of anti-Americanism and radical left-wing beliefs have all been exaggerated by the political Right. They just don't believe the president can be that socialist. This is coupled with the fact that the majority of Obama supporters (the younger generation) have not experienced freedom and liberty the way our fathers and grand-fathers experienced it. We're used to being told what to do and how to think, so to speak. This generation hasn't had to do anything for themselves, and has the expectation that everything should be given. I think this is the first generation that would naively be willing to sacrifice freedom for security.
Second, most of the policies and burdens Obama and the current congress are implementing do not affect those who voted for the president. Obama makes clear that he stands "for the people". What that means is that he's against capitalism. As such, the uneducated and underemployed are insulated from tax increases, tighter regulations, and the results that occur in terms of the stock market as well as the decrease in white and blue collar jobs. This is part of "leveling the playing field".
You see, the poor plebes that Obama has enslaved will not see the negative effects of our economy. For whatever socio-economic reasons (laziness, apathy, sickness, etc), some Americans will never achieve the American dream. As such, Obama and the current congress will continue to tear down those that have drive and ambition in order to "make things fair" to those that can't. And THIS is how Obama's first 100 days has affected me and millions of others that are "on the economic fence". Obama will make sure that I, and many other opportunity seekers end up on the wrong side. Once he has more than half the country dependent then he will cement his party's power as well as the misguided political philosophy that follows.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
N.H. Democrat Head Continues to mock tea party movement
So, here's Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party stating that the Tax Day Tea Party protesters didn't know what they were protesting. Oh my folks, you must listen to the audio. It seems obvious to me that this guy either has his head burried in the sand, or he thinks the Tea Party folks are as mindless as the "pay-for" protesters that get hired by the organizers.
I can't tell you how happy I am that the Democrats and Leftists are dismissive of the anti-tax evangelists. This tells me that what is happening IS EFFECTIVE!
Keep it up America! It seems that the Left is happy to let this grass roots effort grow. Thank God this is moving in the right direction.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Dick Cheney responds to "selective release" of documents
What I find interesting is the expediency at which Obama will release documents that are critical of the former administration's handling of terrorists, but they are so hesitant to release the valuable information and terrorists secrets obtained from such events.
The Obama administration released documents that lead us all to believe that there was uncontrolled waterboarding. Oh.....America is terrible.....We "torture" terrorists for Pete's sake!!! Reading the story, you'd almost feel sympathetic to the plight of the murderous terrorists that we were "questioning". I think maybe the administration DID feel sorry for them (the reasons we won't talk about, as this it's purely speculative given the President's track record on "so-called" enemies of the state).
But no....you're not going to hear from Obama at the valuable terrorist information that was obtained from "questioning" these evil people....most don't have the S.C.I. clearances to have the privelege of such information (not unlike the the de-classified waterboarding info). But, knowing that the waterboard questioning is effective doesn't fit the template of "hate America". No, he will only release sensative information if it DAMAGES the country, not protect it. Far be it for him to promote the positive effects of detainment and questioning.
I think the bigger question to ask is "What the hell is Obama doing to obtain terrorist information" now that he is dismissing this policy as "torture"?
Friday, April 17, 2009
More Tax Day Tea Party Pictures

I thought this shark and taxpayer prop was pretty creative.
It's nice to see that even pets got involved. :)
The home-made signs really shows how passionate people are about expressing what we feel are silenced voices in politics.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Colorado Springs Tax Day Tea Party
Marking one of hundreds through the country today, a couple thousand people in Colorado Springs showed up to express their feelings about government and taxes. I felt compelled to attend since I can't think of anything more American to speak out against than government spending and taxes. Here are some observations and pictures from the tea party today.
I got there around noon. Traffic was fairly congested. Forget about street parking - I decided to hit the parking garage. Walking up to the park on Nevada Ave, I found myself becoming more and more surrounded by a growing throng of pedestrians headed in the same destination.

I had heard on the news that there were a few hundred people expected to attend. Approaching the park at the corner of Bijou & Nevada I could tell there were easily many more than that. I entered the park on the southeast side and made way my down to the back then to the other side. I hung out around the back, took some pictures and video, and walked around some more just checking out the people and signs.

The emcee of the event was local host Richard Randall from 740-KVOR radio. Some of the speakers I recognized were politicians Jeff Crank, Ed Jones, and Doug Bruce. Some of the local media I noticed covering the event was KRDO-Channel 13 and KVOA-Channel 5/30.
The group in attendance was fairly diverse. There was a mix of veterans of all ages, conservative Republicans, Libertarians, bikers, constitutionalists (E.g. supporters of gun rights, states' rights, abortion rights, etc), a few anarchist looking types, and even a handful of "anti-protest" protesters - they were more like a few of the students from Palmer high school across the street advocating for the legalization of pot in an "in your face" type of way. I was kind of puzzled, because it seemed like they were there to agitate the attendees and protest against the event. The irony is that there were also a lot of Libertarians in attendance that believe the same thing these kids do. Ahhh, chalk it up to misguided intentions. If only we could combine the energy of youth with the wisdom of experience - we could solve the world's problems, but that's just my opinion.

At around 1:30, the event concluded. By this time, only about half the attendees still remained. A few hundred continued on immediately afterward with the short march down to the old City Hall building.
All in all, it was nice, peaceful event. I felt inspired to be among a bunch of similar minded individuals. At times I felt like a journalist just trying to capture the moments and all the witty signs and clever costumes. I've never "protested", so it was very foreign to be there. Being the individualist I am, it was weird to be standing among other people, as if I was in a herd. You see, collectivist thought goes against my whole philosophy of individualism, but I reconcile this with the fact that these people are just like-minded individuals. Just like me, they want less government intrusion in the form of taxes, regulations, and restrictions on individual liberty. Yes, even on tax day it was nice to feel good about being an American.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Texas Governor Perry Flips Bird To Feds
I know a lot of folks cried during the Inauguration. I did too, but not for the same reason. No, I cried for the future of the country. Today, however I felt myself get choked up watching a video of the Texas Governor's response to the federal stimulus package and his state's reluctance to accept the funding claiming 10th Amendment sovereignty.
Stating, “I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state", Gov. Perry has thrown the gauntlet right to the feat of the federal government - the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Senate. Rightfully so, the state of Texas doesn't want to implement unneeded social programs with temporary spending funds that will expire. After a year, the program either has to shut down or it will have to find funding from some other taxpayer source. (Don't be fooled. It's governments way of implementing dependency, fund it temporarily, and then cry foul when the program expires and demonize Republicans for cutting programs.)
You see, those "crazy" Texans believe in self sufficiency and resisting the urge to feed off the trough that is government waste. As a matter of fact, I think states like New York and California need to take a look at what Texas is doing right instead of trying to pick theirs, and everyone else's pockets because of their failed social experiments.
Hats off to Gov. Perry. It's about time we started seeing more leaders speaking out on the constitution and individual freedom and liberty. Let's "hope" this "change" in thinking spreads to other leaders throughout the country!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
What happens when the NY tax increase fails to pay off?
You're going to have the same scenario that has happened in France, that's what you're going to get. Let's take a look at how it's going to happen....
Once the government can no longer keep everyone "on the teet", the first thing they are going to do is start cutting benefits. Since New York will have taxed away most business that supplies jobs and revenue to support the social services, the jobless and "benefits consumers" will do the only thing they know best - they'll take to the streets in protest, burning down the banks, shops, and anything that reminds them of the "bad and wicked" enterprises that government has so boldly demonized.
The next thing they will do is use the federal government to go chase down those evil businesses that left the state in the first place. Yes, the feds will start looking at the places where capitalism thrives in order to fund the failing system - those are the "Red" states with low taxes, jobs for the masses, and low numbers of "benefits consumers".
You see, I've come to the conclusion described by many Conservatives including Ann Coulter. Liberalism is like a disease. It started, and thrives in the Liberal mecca's on both sides of the coast and it grows within the heartland in the metropolis's that have allowed it to take hold. I've seen it spread right before my eyes here in Colorado. This used to be a solid Red state, but in the 17 years I've lived here, I've watched dependancy flourish while watching producers punished. Yes, liberalism has infested the heartland and is eating away at the flesh of liberty and the entrepreneurial spirit.
But, I digress.....my point is that once the liberals in government tax away their states wealth producers, the only thing left to do is try to leach on to the states that ARE successful. Watch out folks, the disease that has infested California and New York will be coming to a Red state near you. And Liberalism, like every disease that infests without a cure, it won't stop until it has eroded every living and thriving section of our country. Once all wealth and hope for prosperity is eliminated, the host, in this case America, withers away and dies.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Obama to Illegals: "Bring me your votes!"
Rewind back to 2007 when the Immigration debate was extremely hot and heavy. The political landscape and public mindset was much different in this short two years. We had a Republican administration and enough blue dog Dems to not be too overly concerned about Left's push to legalize hundreds of thousands of poor illegal immigrants into Democrat voters. Basically, we were "safe".
Fast forward to 2009....the American political landscape is much different. So much so as to cause concern for those of us that believe the political deck is being stacked so much that there will be no return to the things that brought greatness to our country. To the layman that would consider that immigration is the American way of life I argue the following:
- Immigration to this country illegally should NEVER be rewarded with citizenship. Do it according to the purpose of the system or don't do it at all.
- Immigration to the USA has always been an orderly process. One in which considerations such as assimilation, knowledge of history, laws, and cultural integration take place. Considering the fact that the American way of life is not deserving of just any person coming to the country and wanting to make it a way of life, Obama has no appreciation for what has made this country great. He wants to legalize about ANYBODY that finds their way into the country. The more dependency he can import into the country to vote for government freebies, the better he cements his constituency. It DOES NOT benefit Obama to have educated, income earning immigrants. Oh no....why would they be sneaking across the border in need of America's freebies if that were the case?
- The types of immigrants Obama wants to legalize are those that are more consumers of social benefits than they are contributors of it. That's the way it's been for 30+ years! Immigrant Mexicans come here illegally to benefit from the U.S. system that has been designed to bring them here. This isn't an accident. These are Democrat voters and Obama is cementing the Leftist rule of order by legalizing the illegals.
Monday, April 6, 2009
N.Y. Dems to oust Governor; Race leaders ponder...
I have a problem...
I just read a story about New York Governor Paterson's low poll numbers and his percieved inability to pull in votes in next years election. It doesn't surprise his numbers are low. I mean, his state is a fiscal mess and wealth producers are leaving due to the high cost of living and doing business in the "big apple". What DOES surprise me is how the leadership decisions are made in this Democrat/Liberal controlled mecca that is Nueva York.
Reading the article, I was aewstruck by what was described as A.G. Andrew Cuomo's trouble challenging the incumbent Paterson. Regarding the liklihood of Gov. Paterson being ousted, the writer noted (my emphasis):
"Observers said it would be impossible for someone like state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to challenge Paterson unless black and Hispanic lawmakers provide "cover" by calling for the governor to step aside."
Is this how Democrats decide leaders in New York? Why can't the party look at their candidates for their ideology, results, and value to the constituency? Who the hell cares what the race mongers think?
If I were a Democrat, I'd be truly offended that we have a bunch of "free-thinkers" running a failed social system, and their biggest concern about nominating a leader is wondering if the race baiters of the community agree with the decision. This is supposed to be the party of inclusion and equality? Why must we look at race pimps to validate that you have a losing candidate? Why don't you just have a Primary race to decide your representative, and let the best candidate run?
This is the hypocrisy of the Democrat party. For as much as they would like you to believe they are "all inclusive", the methods of "inclusion" include ensuring you are part of some fragment, or isolated group, a segment of population for which you can be segregated from the other groups that are "holding you down". My point is the very platform that has been historically held by the Democrat party is that they want equality for all. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that they have to divide people in their efforts to unify people. This is a self-perpetuated myth that can never be obtained as it ALWAYS collapses under it's own failed iterations - just like a dog chasing it's tail or a child trying to catch his shadow.
My friends, this isn't an accident. I believe this intent to confuse is created by design by those that use race as way to force ideology and influence on the masses. Consider it Yin and Yang - there's no beginning and there's definitely no ending. Just a big pendulum of failure.....hey...just like New York politics!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Applying Selective Capitalism
A recent headline reads "Venezuelan Leader: Capitalism needs to go down". It should no surprise to anyone that Chavez would say this. What is shocking is that there are many, many leftist Americans that believe the same day. To the Leftists/Statists/Marxists, it is Utopian to think of a classless world where everyone has everything they need everyone contributes everything they can in the name of worldwide communal living. Ahh - peace and harmony....
In theory, this would be a beautiful world. Just think of how much less stress one would have if you didn't have to worry about keeping up with the Jone's. The truth of the matter is, even in a Kumbayah loving world, there will ALWAYS be individuals that look around and see room for improvement. Inherently, humans have a "greedy" desire for advancement, improvement, and a strive for achievement. Again - this is inherent. The leftists in power have this same desire - with the exception of their belief that only THEY should have the power to name who will be the elite, the "haves and have nots", and who should have the opportunity for individual achievement. So basically what I'm saying is that Capitalism will NEVER die - it will only be stifled with laws and regulations that benefit only the elitists in power that only allow achievement in their own right while denying this right for all the common folk. The "masses" will be made to deny their urge of self-fulfillment in the name of the environment and "saving our fellow man".
So you see, the leftists have staged a ruse whereby only the one's making the rules will have the path to achievement while regular old Joe Schmoe's like myself have the will and desire snuffed in order to stifle the will or the inherent desire to make a better life for ourselves and our families. No, Capitalism will not die - it will only be denied to the masses and applied discriminately to the elite.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
G20 Observations
A couple points regarding the G20 summit.
- From all the video and pictures I've seen from London I get a weird impression that the whole affair is a big social fandango where the untouchables of the world are together and toga partying behind closed doors
. I would say frat party, but this is much more exclusive and private - but don't count out the toga. - Obama is definitely vocalizing the misdeeds of his homeland. I believe Obama has the view that as long as we are nice and caring...then, gosh darn it, they are going to love us. I'm sure he appears weak and other world leaders love it. We are going to let the rest of the world guilt us into giving up liberty for posterity's sake. It's not like we're not already the most giving nation in the world - no country is as generous as America - but the "new world thought" is that we must break ourselves from the notion of exceptionalism and embrace collective world values in place of the strive for greatness in order to appease the masses.
- French President Sarkozy.....this is a good one. This guy carries his tail between his legs and walks out of the summit as if his opinion should really matter. If I were really feeling froggy, I would make a joke about retreating Frenchmen and how they cower to confrontation, but that would be wrong. Yeah, stereotypes are really bad. I have more class than a cheap shot like that.
- Regarding the G20 Protesters- I heard some "man on the street" type interviews from the protesters. It's amazing the lack of intelligence that is running amock around London. Those idiots don't know what the hell they're protesting. One guy mumbled incoherently about the fat cats up in the office buildings somehow taking his money. Aren't those guys up there working while the jobless bums protest? Seems ironic to me, as these idiots are the one's wanting all the freebies from the producers that are actually making the world go around.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why I'll NEVER buy GM again...
No, I will never buy a General Motors car ever again. But, not because of the reasons you are probably thinking. You see, most liberals don't understand what could be so wrong with a government owned auto company. "Wouldn't it be patriotic to buy a car from the government?" I think a good portion of liberals would think, "Oh you just don't want to support the government!" or "You're just an Obama denier". No, that's not it. The truth is, if government really did do things productive, marketable, and inventive at a reasonable price, then I'd be inclined to consider a government made automobile. But, look no further than the DMV, Medicare, and IRS to see how "efficiently" the government runs business. No, government owned in and of itself is not the reason why I will no longer buy from this company. There are only 2 things that can happen with this GM takeover:
- The car is going to be too expensive. Anything the government touches is a bad investment. They can't create anything (barring dependency on the government) that is cheaper than what can be created in the free market. Nope, no one will buy these cars due to expense (look at unreasonable subsidies paid to non-productive union members as well as the unlimited taxpayer funding as the reason).
- The car is going to be a piece of crap tin can that no one will want to buy. The types of car's Barack and the environmentalists want to us to buy are the one's that NOBODY wants to buy. Make no mistake - say goodbye to the SUV.
Welcome to 21st century communism, folks. Saddle up, it's going to be a long painful road. Again, this is "change we can believe in."
Friday, March 27, 2009
Chris Dodd: Proof we need term limits
Question: What happens when a mere human is given power to legislate undeterred, access to billions of non-accountable dollars, and has their feet planted in the sewer that is big Washington politics so deep that you can smell the putrescence from their breath every time they open their mouth? Well....you get Chris Dodd.
Controversy is nothing new to this very well tenured Senator from Connecticut. He has had his share of documented problems ever since he was on the take back in the 80's.
The problem with someone like Dodd is he is so disconnected from the "real world" and is so entrenched in stench he has no business legislating important economic decisions affecting BILLIONS of people.
The framers of the constitution always believed in the beauty of the system they created. They believed that if a servant of the people misbehaved, they would be voted out of office. They also believed that "servants of the people" would never betray their constituents due to the fact that after their service expired, they would be mere citizens having to live by the system of rules to which they helped create. Not so much in today's political world...
Folks, there's a reason why Senators and Congressmen are elected, go to Washington as noble citizens, and come out of the Washington meat grinder as snooty, wealthy, well-to-do elitists. It's because they wade through the muck of sick politics, become "the fortunate one's", and then(like any human would be tempted) they take advantage of the system they were sent to serve. So, just imagine what happens when you're wading through this cesspool of sin and corruption for 35 YEARS! Imagine hell or purgatory, except for now you get the "room with a view", temporary ventilation from the stench, and quick access past the throngs of soulless throwing themselves at your feet.
The Constitution framers, notwithstanding the huge increase in life expectancy nowadays compared to 1776, never thought that members of congress would setup permanent camp and residency in Washington. Who the hell would want to? It stinks like feces, you have to sell your soul to get a water fountain in your district, and the only friends you can make are those that want something from you. Yes folks, it's time to rethink career politicians. Who would do this for 35 years? Who, you might ask? Any crook that wants infinite power and influence at any expense, that's who!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rahm profits from failed Freddie Mac
It appears that persecution of failed executives is extended to those only in the private sector such as the "wickedly evil" A.I.G. It's now being reported that Mr. Rahm Emanuel profited off of the failed Freddie Mac. If you'll recall, Freddie Mac is a pseudo government controlled privately owned companies that failed due to the feds mandating loans to consumers that they knew couldn't pay them back. Yes, Rahm profited to the tune of $400,000.
Now tell me if I'm missing something here, but if the A.I.G. executives are made to pay back their supposedly undeserved bonuses, doesn't it only make sense that Emanuel repay the money he received from the failed institution to which he was associated? I mean, taxpayer money was squandered while under federal scrutiny. It seems only fair that the taxpayer should recoup the money for which he did not deserve.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Obama laughs off economy as "Gallow's Humor"
This weekend, Chris Wallace asked Obama if he was "punch drunk". I think he's more drunk on power and his internal belief that he is the second coming of Jesus, but that's another post. No, this appears to be a weak attempt at a tough question. A slight "growing of cohones", if you will. I won't go as far as to say this was a hardball, but you could see a glean of excitement in Wallace's eyes like he wants to wind up and give the Messiah a real zinger. I could literally see those journalistic teeth begin to show....but......that's about all we got. I think Chris knows that the next several years without another presidential interview might be a career killer. No, no, don't go for the jugular.
Why doesn't Wallace ask Obama if his overwhelming flourish of giddiness is due to the notion that he is cementing American dependency by creating more foreign debt and tying the hands of all free citizens. Talk about being home broke? What really perturbs me is that Obama is STILL not getting the tough questions. It's as if the media is happy just taking their marching orders without batting an eye.
I'm not sure when enough will be enough (meaning the average American is fed up and the mainstream media starts to bankrupt due to plummeting viewership). It may not be until joblessness is over 15% and people start scratching their heads saying...."Hey wait a minute....George Bush didn't do this....". It will take a while - maybe even 8 years - but I think the average American will eventually wake up....I just hope by then it's not too late!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Congress Declares: "Only the feds can waste your tax money"
I'm so sick and tired of hearing Barney Frank preaching about incompetence and failure. Especially when his leftist policies helped contribute to the collapse in housing and banking. Frank is in the unique position where as long as he brings home the pork to Massachusetts and promotes redistribution of wealth, it's okay if he screws up the rest of the country. It's unfortunate the the plebes in MA continue to vote this clown back in to office. He's a prime example of the need for congressional term limits and of how power intoxicates. He's one of the biggest failures yet he is so eager to point the finger at others......I believe this is to mask is own shortcomings.
NEWSFLASH: To all those that have drank the mainstream media kool-aid of this manufactured, hyped up propaganda of how AIG spends their bailout money......blame Barney Frank and every other clown politician that voted for it! It's that simple!!! Don't give away cash and whine when it's not spent the way you want. Who the hell is he to say? This money shouldn't even have gone to AIG. This is just another way of how government wastes our money. My one question to Frank would be, why isn't he complaining about the *BONUSES* AIG gave to the tune of over $1 billion dollars to California? It seems to me that money will be wasted more uselessly than the measly $100 million of so spent on bonuses. No, the message here is it's okay if government wastes our money - but, damn it if corporate America does it.
Don't be fooled, this is a coordinated attack. It's obvious to me that the assault on capitalism continues at fever pace and the government, along with the lapdog media will continue to push this hidden agenda and won't stop until America has given every right of ownership to the federal government.
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Socialist Left attacks Sheriff Joe
In this recent example, the infamous community agitators ACORN has teamed up with some no name organization, National Day Laborer Organizer Network to investigate alleged abuses in America's most famous Arizona prison. It seems the poor illegal criminals (and not just criminal for the fact of being in the country illegally, but real murderers and thieves), they've got it rough now that they're forced to wear pink underwear and prison stripes. I guess the luxuries that are normally associated with the Mexican prisons are really upsetting the inmates. Besides the fact that these thugs are rightfully where they belong, but it never ceases to amaze me that fanatical socialist groups are so hell-bent on legitimizing, legalizing, and letting go of convicted criminals.
The dirty little secret is that these Marxist groups are dead set intent on recruiting as many dependent people as they can in order to perpetuate socialist philosophy. This happens by...
- Enslaving these foreign nationals by means of welfare and the appearance of sympathy. "Keep 'em down, and keep 'em begging for more." is the liberal philosophy.
- Keeping them uneducated so that they will never have a chance at the American dream. The liberal education system that caters to high populations of non-native English speakers are filled with socialists that are more eager to teach the downtrodden how to apply for welfare rather than how to read a help-wanted ad.
- Keeping them segregated in order to drive the "us vs. them" mentality which is needed to foster class envy. Liberals love to let homeless criminals live amongst us - just not in THEIR neighborhoods. No, liberals force the poor illegals to live on welfare, so in turn they must live in the poorer parts of town. These poor neighborhoods are filled with crooks, prostitutes, gangs, and other dregs of society (which is fine with liberals - just not in my ....okay, you get the picture).
- Telling them that America capitalism isn't achievable do to the racism inherent in our country. Now that the liberals have the illegal immigrants enslaved, uneducated, and pulling their hair out because they are forced to live with the scumbags of society, they start blaming their conditions on the rich, white people that live on the other side of town. So, now that the gas has been poured all over the forest, they go and "light the match".
Monday, March 9, 2009
Cramer responds to the Administration
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Why doesn't the media fairly cover Obama?
Here's video of the great Obama's oratory skills when he happens to be without his teleprompter. That's well and good. Personally myself, I've blundered and babbled exactly like this in front of people, so I understand his embarrassment at being unable to make a point due to nerves, unpreparedness, lack of rest, or whatever. There's a bigger story here than just Obama's trouble speaking when missing the prompter.
Why isn't the mainstream media covering this? They loved picking on Bush and would have taken every opportunity to do so. It's absolutely disgusting the slant of coverage on Obama and his administration. There are small cracks and fissures here and there, but organizations like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN are all reluctant to air anything critical of the president. There are so many things to take to task, but the major news orgs won't ask anything. And it's not just about the teleprompter.
Why isn't he asked more about the economy? The administration throws out phony-baloney comments about how health care will do it and the road construction....ad naseum. But, never is it asked specifically why the things that caused this recession are not being addressed RIGHT NOW! They just give him a pass. Is it his presence? Can we not question the president intelligently? It seems like the Twilight Zone at how he's being treated. So I ask the media, when will someone step up and ask the good questions?
Friday, March 6, 2009
The ALGORE continues global warming scam
Well, here it is. The ALGORE shows up to continue ranting about the myth of global warming. I'm surprised he wasn't slowed by the massive bouts of cold, snowy weather that blanketed most of the country this week. It's funny that every time someone is brave enough to challenge him, he just starts to freak out in a maniacal way that reminds me of a child trying to convince everyone that his imaginary friend really, really does exist. At this point, he has to feel like an idiot. There's only two things that can happen with his argument.
- He will somehow say that global warming is starting to receed as a consequence of Obama's aggressive energy plan, and we'll all be able to celebrate in the streets that polar bears are making a comeback;
- He will get more and more maniacal and re-estimating his estimates or say that the earth is so unstable that now we're starting to cool.
The closer we get to Gore's "10-year prophecy", he will continue to rant and rave uncontrollably. Mark my words, he will NEVER let go of this hoax and he'll take it to his grave. He will still look like and idiot to those that know better, but he will never let it go.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Obama declares war on.....Rush?
Okay, this is starting to get weird. Rahm Emanuel on "Face the Nation" talking about Rush Limbaugh as if Rush is enemy number one. Well, he probably is the enemy if you are a fan of or prescribe to socialism/communism and the elimination of liberty by way of high taxes. This tells me a couple things:
- The Democrats are genuinely afraid of Rush. They know he represents a HUGE voice in terms of the American electorate, and they see him as the biggest threat right now. I haven't seen them attacking Steele or any of the moderates in the party. Rush is scaring the crap out them right now.
- The administration is obviously trying to put a wedge in between the moderate and conservative wings of the party. Taking their orders from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs suggestion to the media to challenge Republican leaders, we heard Michael Steele questioned on his allegiance to Rush on CNN. I think we'll be seeing much more of this in the coming days and weeks as the party begins to evaluate if they are going to embrace or turn their backs on Rush.
In my opinion, and for the sake of the country, Steele and the moderates should support and rally around Rush. They had their moderate candidate in McCain - he was the embodiment of EVERYTHING moderate. That choice failed. Look at where we are now - heading towards a socialist mess. Even the Republican moderates must realize that a staunch conservative like Romney would be a much, much better selection than what we have now in Obama.
So, for this reason alone the Republican moderates should come together and embrace the only true vocal opposition to socialism and Obama. And the most prominent leader of this movement right now is Rush Limbaugh.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Unable to sell message, Dems look to silence critics
Folks, when are we going to wake up and realize our freedoms are being eroded one law at a time? I'm not a Republican, but I can smell a fish - especially when it's being stuffed down my throat. They're going after Rush now, but it's really an assault on all of us. Liberals are going after guns, thought, speech, liberty, and individuality. If we don't rise and stop it now, then we deserve every bit of freedom they steal from us.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Realizing unpopularity, Obama trys to sell conservatism
A couple points...he has read the tea leaves and understands that this porkulus bill is very, very unpopular with the majority of working class voters that helped get him in to office. Liberals have a way of telling the "center-right" voters (the majority of Americans) a complete different message than what he actually acts upono. In this case, he signed the biggest spending bill and tomorrow we'll see him on TV selling to the people that we have to cut spending. Don't for once think that he believes this message. He has no intention on cutting back on anything unless it involves the military.
Another thing, he's an idiot if he thinks that his raising taxes is going to create the revenue to bring down the deficit. On the contrary, his tax increase will cut jobs, cut revenue, and his whole card house calculations using fuzzy math will never, EVER come to fruition, as there will be NO TAX BASE CONTRIBUTING. Everyone's going to be collecting unemployment.
Folks, either this guys is smoking crack or he thinks we are. Obama is a socialist and he has no intention of cut backs. Don't be fooled!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Fireworks on CNBC; will the network cave to capitalism?
Oh my...things are really heating up over on CNBC. It's interesting that the liberal slanting parent network is allowing such criticism of the new administration, but I have a feeling it has something to do with ratings. I'm very curious to see how the Nielsen marks will look, but even more curious to see if this type of programming will begin to find it's way into other broadcasts and networks. If it ends up being profitable will broadcasters open the gates to capitalism? Will they compromise ideology for "greed"? We'll know more when the word is in on how Squawk Box is doing. Maybe my premise that the programming is more profitable can be debated, but I don't think it's been tried in the mainstream news media. It seems to work with AM radio, but we'll soon see.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Californians line up at DMV to give cash; broke government says "No thanks"
In a sane world, this would be considered a loss. Oh no... not to the geniuses and flashes of brilliance that operate the California state government. No, folks. You see, the government knows you can't go without registering your car. They have the weight of the law on their side. No, they know you'll be back on Monday. You'll be back with the rest of the clowns that showed up on Friday in addition to the customers that will be showing up as normal. The government loves to have that control of the individual.
And so the wheel spins. This is how government works and this is what we should expect. Even when there are people lined up to hand over money, the government will always be ran at loss. That's what it does - act as a sponge.Take, take, take and give little, little, little.
Let's look at the now liberal bastion of California. What once was a great, prosperous state has been invaded with an ideological disease and we're seeing it right before our eyes. They've taxed the producers of wealth out of the state, they're not brining in revenue. That's what government does. Punish success and then cry when the teet dries up.
If you think this is bad, just wait until they get a hold of health care. Get used to long lines, reduced services, increased wait times. We're devolving into the former Soviet Union and almost to the point of no return. If you doubt, we need no further proof than the failed policies of liberalism at work in California.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Bailout spells disaster for America - Dems are cool with that
Yes, the $900 billion dollar bailout (I have no idea how many zeroes that is) has just passed the house and is now off to the Senate. To the common folk who drink the kool-aid, that means Obama and the new change have voted to indebt the electorate and forbid any salvation on actually fixing the economy. It's no surprise Obama is crying there's no bipartisan support.....I wouldn't want full blame on this disaster either. No, you can take all the "credit" for this one.
Truth of the matter is, the Democrats overplayed their hand in thinking that they could shove whatever spending they wanted down the throats of taxpayers (like I said, who can count that many zeroes?), and that they could marginalize Limbaugh and the conservative constituancy (WHAT?? According to Schuster and those clowns at NBC, I thought ALL Americans had their kool-aid cup), the House Republicans united to say that "No, we will not cowtow to socialism on the backs of our children and livlihoods". I almost cried for AlGore as he tried to explain the ill-effects of global warming as he kicked the snow off his shoe heels. Yep! It would've been worse had it not been for those carbon emissions passed out of my car as I warmed it this morning (it was cold here!).
So, when will America wake up! Imagine a perfect Obama world when government owns everything. Envision everyday life at the DMV....or the Unemployment Office....Or, just think how well they treat you at the Medi-care office. My brother, ex-military with no private health insurance just scheduled an appoinment at the V.A. Bless his heart....I, like you, would think that this would be fine for ex-milityary personal. Yeah....he is in a waiting line for an appointment 4 months from now.....BRILLIANT..... we should have every American do that! Yeah, our ex-soldiers should be worth more.......just think when a regular Shmoe like you are me have to do it....I would hope our servicemen would have it better. What do you think?
If Obama and the Democrat government has it's way, everyone except the elite few who can afford it, will be forced to make appointments MONTHS in advance. If you think health care is bad now, just wait until the government has it. Where will all the Canadians and other poor saps that come from socialist run societies go? Or where will Americans go?
If you are a believer that government is the end all-be all to life (or if you are a celebretard with more money than you earned or deserve), then you are fine with this notion. Sweep your guilt under the doormat of those who will actually have to pay for this. There's a cup of kool-aid waiting for all of you at the front door. Don't ask questions, just drink and nod as you drift off to sleep. Don't spill any on me, I KNOW what's going on here....