I have a problem...
I just read a story about New York Governor Paterson's low poll numbers and his percieved inability to pull in votes in next years election. It doesn't surprise his numbers are low. I mean, his state is a fiscal mess and wealth producers are leaving due to the high cost of living and doing business in the "big apple". What DOES surprise me is how the leadership decisions are made in this Democrat/Liberal controlled mecca that is Nueva York.
Reading the article, I was aewstruck by what was described as A.G. Andrew Cuomo's trouble challenging the incumbent Paterson. Regarding the liklihood of Gov. Paterson being ousted, the writer noted (my emphasis):
"Observers said it would be impossible for someone like state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo to challenge Paterson unless black and Hispanic lawmakers provide "cover" by calling for the governor to step aside."
Is this how Democrats decide leaders in New York? Why can't the party look at their candidates for their ideology, results, and value to the constituency? Who the hell cares what the race mongers think?
If I were a Democrat, I'd be truly offended that we have a bunch of "free-thinkers" running a failed social system, and their biggest concern about nominating a leader is wondering if the race baiters of the community agree with the decision. This is supposed to be the party of inclusion and equality? Why must we look at race pimps to validate that you have a losing candidate? Why don't you just have a Primary race to decide your representative, and let the best candidate run?
This is the hypocrisy of the Democrat party. For as much as they would like you to believe they are "all inclusive", the methods of "inclusion" include ensuring you are part of some fragment, or isolated group, a segment of population for which you can be segregated from the other groups that are "holding you down". My point is the very platform that has been historically held by the Democrat party is that they want equality for all. The hypocrisy lies in the fact that they have to divide people in their efforts to unify people. This is a self-perpetuated myth that can never be obtained as it ALWAYS collapses under it's own failed iterations - just like a dog chasing it's tail or a child trying to catch his shadow.
My friends, this isn't an accident. I believe this intent to confuse is created by design by those that use race as way to force ideology and influence on the masses. Consider it Yin and Yang - there's no beginning and there's definitely no ending. Just a big pendulum of failure.....hey...just like New York politics!
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