Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Texas Governor Perry Flips Bird To Feds

I know a lot of folks cried during the Inauguration. I did too, but not for the same reason. No, I cried for the future of the country. Today, however I felt myself get choked up watching a video of the Texas Governor's response to the federal stimulus package and his state's reluctance to accept the funding claiming 10th Amendment sovereignty.

Stating, “I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state", Gov. Perry has thrown the gauntlet right to the feat of the federal government - the Obama administration and the Democrat controlled Senate. Rightfully so, the state of Texas doesn't want to implement unneeded social programs with temporary spending funds that will expire. After a year, the program either has to shut down or it will have to find funding from some other taxpayer source. (Don't be fooled. It's governments way of implementing dependency, fund it temporarily, and then cry foul when the program expires and demonize Republicans for cutting programs.)

You see, those "crazy" Texans believe in self sufficiency and resisting the urge to feed off the trough that is government waste. As a matter of fact, I think states like New York and California need to take a look at what Texas is doing right instead of trying to pick theirs, and everyone else's pockets because of their failed social experiments.

Hats off to Gov. Perry. It's about time we started seeing more leaders speaking out on the constitution and individual freedom and liberty. Let's "hope" this "change" in thinking spreads to other leaders throughout the country!

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