You're going to have the same scenario that has happened in France, that's what you're going to get. Let's take a look at how it's going to happen....
Once the government can no longer keep everyone "on the teet", the first thing they are going to do is start cutting benefits. Since New York will have taxed away most business that supplies jobs and revenue to support the social services, the jobless and "benefits consumers" will do the only thing they know best - they'll take to the streets in protest, burning down the banks, shops, and anything that reminds them of the "bad and wicked" enterprises that government has so boldly demonized.
The next thing they will do is use the federal government to go chase down those evil businesses that left the state in the first place. Yes, the feds will start looking at the places where capitalism thrives in order to fund the failing system - those are the "Red" states with low taxes, jobs for the masses, and low numbers of "benefits consumers".
You see, I've come to the conclusion described by many Conservatives including Ann Coulter. Liberalism is like a disease. It started, and thrives in the Liberal mecca's on both sides of the coast and it grows within the heartland in the metropolis's that have allowed it to take hold. I've seen it spread right before my eyes here in Colorado. This used to be a solid Red state, but in the 17 years I've lived here, I've watched dependancy flourish while watching producers punished. Yes, liberalism has infested the heartland and is eating away at the flesh of liberty and the entrepreneurial spirit.
But, I point is that once the liberals in government tax away their states wealth producers, the only thing left to do is try to leach on to the states that ARE successful. Watch out folks, the disease that has infested California and New York will be coming to a Red state near you. And Liberalism, like every disease that infests without a cure, it won't stop until it has eroded every living and thriving section of our country. Once all wealth and hope for prosperity is eliminated, the host, in this case America, withers away and dies.
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