What I find interesting is the expediency at which Obama will release documents that are critical of the former administration's handling of terrorists, but they are so hesitant to release the valuable information and terrorists secrets obtained from such events.
The Obama administration released documents that lead us all to believe that there was uncontrolled waterboarding. Oh.....America is terrible.....We "torture" terrorists for Pete's sake!!! Reading the story, you'd almost feel sympathetic to the plight of the murderous terrorists that we were "questioning". I think maybe the administration DID feel sorry for them (the reasons we won't talk about, as this it's purely speculative given the President's track record on "so-called" enemies of the state).
But no....you're not going to hear from Obama at the valuable terrorist information that was obtained from "questioning" these evil people....most don't have the S.C.I. clearances to have the privelege of such information (not unlike the the de-classified waterboarding info). But, knowing that the waterboard questioning is effective doesn't fit the template of "hate America". No, he will only release sensative information if it DAMAGES the country, not protect it. Far be it for him to promote the positive effects of detainment and questioning.
I think the bigger question to ask is "What the hell is Obama doing to obtain terrorist information" now that he is dismissing this policy as "torture"?
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