In a recent Politico article, it seems that Barrack's teleprompter is attempting to sabotage our new president. I would argue that if the president would learn how to formulate and speak his own words, he wouldn't have this problem. Maybe I'm "out of the norm".
Seriously, I think the way his teleprompter treats him is symbolic of how his perception is of how Americans should be treated.
Hear me out....
I am of the view that someone of Obama's stature and education should be able to hold a speech without the absolute crutch of having a teleprompter or some other mental cue of what the heck your talking about. But, who can really memorize whole speeches and your internal beliefs and stuff? If I was Obama, I would use this vulnerability as an illustration that even the President of the U.S.A. is not infallible to the pitfalls inherent of being a mere human being. To continue, he should use this to paint a complete picture that "since the president isn't even capable of forming his own words and speech, far be it for you, a mere peasant in our big world of confusing economic times, to form your own thoughts and decisions of your future, your money, and the well being of the United States."
No, like the banking, housing, and economic crises, the White House should look at Barrack's inability to speak as an opportunity to tell Americans how fallible we are. This is the perfect time for the new administration to tell Americans how ineffectual we ALL are. "He's only a man, we're only a country".
So my question to Barrack would be, when will the teleprompter give our country a positive direction? And when will the teleprompter be promoted to President Czar?
Lady McBiden & the Triumvirate
8 hours ago
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