Here's video of the great Obama's oratory skills when he happens to be without his teleprompter. That's well and good. Personally myself, I've blundered and babbled exactly like this in front of people, so I understand his embarrassment at being unable to make a point due to nerves, unpreparedness, lack of rest, or whatever. There's a bigger story here than just Obama's trouble speaking when missing the prompter.
Why isn't the mainstream media covering this? They loved picking on Bush and would have taken every opportunity to do so. It's absolutely disgusting the slant of coverage on Obama and his administration. There are small cracks and fissures here and there, but organizations like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN are all reluctant to air anything critical of the president. There are so many things to take to task, but the major news orgs won't ask anything. And it's not just about the teleprompter.
Why isn't he asked more about the economy? The administration throws out phony-baloney comments about how health care will do it and the road naseum. But, never is it asked specifically why the things that caused this recession are not being addressed RIGHT NOW! They just give him a pass. Is it his presence? Can we not question the president intelligently? It seems like the Twilight Zone at how he's being treated. So I ask the media, when will someone step up and ask the good questions?
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