I'm so sick and tired of hearing Barney Frank preaching about incompetence and failure. Especially when his leftist policies helped contribute to the collapse in housing and banking. Frank is in the unique position where as long as he brings home the pork to Massachusetts and promotes redistribution of wealth, it's okay if he screws up the rest of the country. It's unfortunate the the plebes in MA continue to vote this clown back in to office. He's a prime example of the need for congressional term limits and of how power intoxicates. He's one of the biggest failures yet he is so eager to point the finger at others......I believe this is to mask is own shortcomings.
NEWSFLASH: To all those that have drank the mainstream media kool-aid of this manufactured, hyped up propaganda of how AIG spends their bailout money......blame Barney Frank and every other clown politician that voted for it! It's that simple!!! Don't give away cash and whine when it's not spent the way you want. Who the hell is he to say? This money shouldn't even have gone to AIG. This is just another way of how government wastes our money. My one question to Frank would be, why isn't he complaining about the *BONUSES* AIG gave to the tune of over $1 billion dollars to California? It seems to me that money will be wasted more uselessly than the measly $100 million of so spent on bonuses. No, the message here is it's okay if government wastes our money - but, damn it if corporate America does it.
Don't be fooled, this is a coordinated attack. It's obvious to me that the assault on capitalism continues at fever pace and the government, along with the lapdog media will continue to push this hidden agenda and won't stop until America has given every right of ownership to the federal government.
You make the best point here -- the government shouldn't have given the bailout money to AIG in the first place -- you know why they did, don't you? It is rumored if they hadn't bailed AIG out then literally hundreds of International Banks and Insurers that do business with AIG would fail. AIG is HUGE worldwide!