Well, it looks like ol' Arlen has read the writing on the wall and has decided to go where he belongs. He's finally home. Having been in the Senate since 1980, I can say it's about time!
By the way, don't expect this to get reported correctly in the mainstream press. The MSM and leftist bloggers are going to portray this as further destruction of the Republican party. I have a feeling CNN, MSNBC, and the major pundits are going to have a field day mis-reading the tea leaves. They see this as more evidence of the demise of Republicans everywhere. They couldn't be more wrong! They only see Republican and Democrat.
This is exactly what Conservatives should be hoping for. The 'Pubs need to further purge Liberals like Spector that cling on to the Republican party because that's what they have to do to get elected. Those two Senators from Maine should consider doing the same thing. Why be a Republican when you vote with Democrats anyway?
Spector probably realizes that he screwed up with his support of the Stimulus bill as well as his support for fast-track legalization of illegal immigrants. I'm sure his phone is ringing off the hook non-stop from his angry constituents. Given that just a month ago he swore his allegiance to the Republican party, I can only think that his internal polling data shows he doesn't stand a chance in hell at being re-elected in the primaries. So, logically this might be the only move he has at retaining power.
What I'm saying is that Spector is running like a rat right now. He's looking for a way to hold the reigns and jumping over to the Dems - to which he is ideologically closer to than Republicans anyway.
I truly believe that as the country becomes more polarized that we will see more of this happen. I don't at all believe that this is a detriment to the party. I'm having deja vu of the 1994 Congressional revolt that completely shook up the political map. I can see this happening again due to the arrogance and complacency that has befell the Democrat party, as well as the swell of dissent that is only getting louder and louder as true freedom loving Americans begin to see that they were hood-winked with this President and the Liberal Congress.