Monday, March 30, 2009

Why I'll NEVER buy GM again...

No, I will never buy a General Motors car ever again. But, not because of the reasons you are probably thinking. You see, most liberals don't understand what could be so wrong with a government owned auto company. "Wouldn't it be patriotic to buy a car from the government?" I think a good portion of liberals would think, "Oh you just don't want to support the government!" or "You're just an Obama denier". No, that's not it. The truth is, if government really did do things productive, marketable, and inventive at a reasonable price, then I'd be inclined to consider a government made automobile. But, look no further than the DMV, Medicare, and IRS to see how "efficiently" the government runs business. No, government owned in and of itself is not the reason why I will no longer buy from this company. There are only 2 things that can happen with this GM takeover:
  1. The car is going to be too expensive. Anything the government touches is a bad investment. They can't create anything (barring dependency on the government) that is cheaper than what can be created in the free market. Nope, no one will buy these cars due to expense (look at unreasonable subsidies paid to non-productive union members as well as the unlimited taxpayer funding as the reason).
  2. The car is going to be a piece of crap tin can that no one will want to buy. The types of car's Barack and the environmentalists want to us to buy are the one's that NOBODY wants to buy. Make no mistake - say goodbye to the SUV.
With either of these scenarios, GM will not sell cars without the mandate of the government by way of legislating tariffs on competitors (see cap and trade) and creating laws that force the American consumer in to their nice new, undesirable "bean tin" at a GUARANTEED taxpayer expense ala Amtrak. Whatever the case, the company will not be profitable, will be made to sell inferior products, and will force consumers with no other choice.

Welcome to 21st century communism, folks. Saddle up, it's going to be a long painful road. Again, this is "change we can believe in."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Chris Dodd: Proof we need term limits

Question: What happens when a mere human is given power to legislate undeterred, access to billions of non-accountable dollars, and has their feet planted in the sewer that is big Washington politics so deep that you can smell the putrescence from their breath every time they open their mouth? get Chris Dodd.

Controversy is nothing new to this very well tenured Senator from Connecticut. He has had his share of documented problems ever since he was on the take back in the 80's.

The problem with someone like Dodd is he is so disconnected from the "real world" and is so entrenched in stench he has no business legislating important economic decisions affecting BILLIONS of people.

The framers of the constitution always believed in the beauty of the system they created. They believed that if a servant of the people misbehaved, they would be voted out of office. They also believed that "servants of the people" would never betray their constituents due to the fact that after their service expired, they would be mere citizens having to live by the system of rules to which they helped create. Not so much in today's political world...

Folks, there's a reason why Senators and Congressmen are elected, go to Washington as noble citizens, and come out of the Washington meat grinder as snooty, wealthy, well-to-do elitists. It's because they wade through the muck of sick politics, become "the fortunate one's", and then(like any human would be tempted) they take advantage of the system they were sent to serve. So, just imagine what happens when you're wading through this cesspool of sin and corruption for 35 YEARS! Imagine hell or purgatory, except for now you get the "room with a view", temporary ventilation from the stench, and quick access past the throngs of soulless throwing themselves at your feet.

The Constitution framers, notwithstanding the huge increase in life expectancy nowadays compared to 1776, never thought that members of congress would setup permanent camp and residency in Washington. Who the hell would want to? It stinks like feces, you have to sell your soul to get a water fountain in your district, and the only friends you can make are those that want something from you. Yes folks, it's time to rethink career politicians. Who would do this for 35 years? Who, you might ask? Any crook that wants infinite power and influence at any expense, that's who!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rahm profits from failed Freddie Mac

It appears that persecution of failed executives is extended to those only in the private sector such as the "wickedly evil" A.I.G. It's now being reported that Mr. Rahm Emanuel profited off of the failed Freddie Mac. If you'll recall, Freddie Mac is a pseudo government controlled privately owned companies that failed due to the feds mandating loans to consumers that they knew couldn't pay them back. Yes, Rahm profited to the tune of $400,000.

Now tell me if I'm missing something here, but if the A.I.G. executives are made to pay back their supposedly undeserved bonuses, doesn't it only make sense that Emanuel repay the money he received from the failed institution to which he was associated? I mean, taxpayer money was squandered while under federal scrutiny. It seems only fair that the taxpayer should recoup the money for which he did not deserve.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama laughs off economy as "Gallow's Humor"

This weekend, Chris Wallace asked Obama if he was "punch drunk". I think he's more drunk on power and his internal belief that he is the second coming of Jesus, but that's another post. No, this appears to be a weak attempt at a tough question. A slight "growing of cohones", if you will. I won't go as far as to say this was a hardball, but you could see a glean of excitement in Wallace's eyes like he wants to wind up and give the Messiah a real zinger. I could literally see those journalistic teeth begin to show....but......that's about all we got. I think Chris knows that the next several years without another presidential interview might be a career killer. No, no, don't go for the jugular.

Why doesn't Wallace ask Obama if his overwhelming flourish of giddiness is due to the notion that he is cementing American dependency by creating more foreign debt and tying the hands of all free citizens. Talk about being home broke? What really perturbs me is that Obama is STILL not getting the tough questions. It's as if the media is happy just taking their marching orders without batting an eye.

I'm not sure when enough will be enough (meaning the average American is fed up and the mainstream media starts to bankrupt due to plummeting viewership). It may not be until joblessness is over 15% and people start scratching their heads saying...."Hey wait a minute....George Bush didn't do this....". It will take a while - maybe even 8 years - but I think the average American will eventually wake up....I just hope by then it's not too late!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Congress Declares: "Only the feds can waste your tax money"

I'm so sick and tired of hearing Barney Frank preaching about incompetence and failure. Especially when his leftist policies helped contribute to the collapse in housing and banking. Frank is in the unique position where as long as he brings home the pork to Massachusetts and promotes redistribution of wealth, it's okay if he screws up the rest of the country. It's unfortunate the the plebes in MA continue to vote this clown back in to office. He's a prime example of the need for congressional term limits and of how power intoxicates. He's one of the biggest failures yet he is so eager to point the finger at others......I believe this is to mask is own shortcomings.

NEWSFLASH: To all those that have drank the mainstream media kool-aid of this manufactured, hyped up propaganda of how AIG spends their bailout money......blame Barney Frank and every other clown politician that voted for it! It's that simple!!! Don't give away cash and whine when it's not spent the way you want. Who the hell is he to say? This money shouldn't even have gone to AIG. This is just another way of how government wastes our money. My one question to Frank would be, why isn't he complaining about the *BONUSES* AIG gave to the tune of over $1 billion dollars to California? It seems to me that money will be wasted more uselessly than the measly $100 million of so spent on bonuses. No, the message here is it's okay if government wastes our money - but, damn it if corporate America does it.

Don't be fooled, this is a coordinated attack. It's obvious to me that the assault on capitalism continues at fever pace and the government, along with the lapdog media will continue to push this hidden agenda and won't stop until America has given every right of ownership to the federal government.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Socialist Left attacks Sheriff Joe

I don't get it. Why is that every time you read the paper, you hear about more liberal groups attacking the individuals and entities that enforce law? It's as if these people just lurk around digging for anything that keeps this country great and attempts to tear it down.

In this recent example, the infamous community agitators ACORN has teamed up with some no name organization, National Day Laborer Organizer Network to investigate alleged abuses in America's most famous Arizona prison. It seems the poor illegal criminals (and not just criminal for the fact of being in the country illegally, but real murderers and thieves), they've got it rough now that they're forced to wear pink underwear and prison stripes. I guess the luxuries that are normally associated with the Mexican prisons are really upsetting the inmates. Besides the fact that these thugs are rightfully where they belong, but it never ceases to amaze me that fanatical socialist groups are so hell-bent on legitimizing, legalizing, and letting go of convicted criminals.

The dirty little secret is that these Marxist groups are dead set intent on recruiting as many dependent people as they can in order to perpetuate socialist philosophy. This happens by...
  • Enslaving these foreign nationals by means of welfare and the appearance of sympathy. "Keep 'em down, and keep 'em begging for more." is the liberal philosophy.
  • Keeping them uneducated so that they will never have a chance at the American dream. The liberal education system that caters to high populations of non-native English speakers are filled with socialists that are more eager to teach the downtrodden how to apply for welfare rather than how to read a help-wanted ad.
  • Keeping them segregated in order to drive the "us vs. them" mentality which is needed to foster class envy. Liberals love to let homeless criminals live amongst us - just not in THEIR neighborhoods. No, liberals force the poor illegals to live on welfare, so in turn they must live in the poorer parts of town. These poor neighborhoods are filled with crooks, prostitutes, gangs, and other dregs of society (which is fine with liberals - just not in my ....okay, you get the picture).
  • Telling them that America capitalism isn't achievable do to the racism inherent in our country. Now that the liberals have the illegal immigrants enslaved, uneducated, and pulling their hair out because they are forced to live with the scumbags of society, they start blaming their conditions on the rich, white people that live on the other side of town. So, now that the gas has been poured all over the forest, they go and "light the match".
Mark my words this is a coordinated attack on American values in an attempt to create more dependence and socialist policies. One brick at a time, the socialists on the left will chip away at all things they keeps America great. Unfortunately, once the Socialist/Marxist/Liberal's have greater than 50% a class of people dependent on them and the American taxpayer then it's only a matter of time before we devolve in to the former USSR and current Cuba and Venezuela. Say goodbye to freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cramer responds to the Administration

It looks like Jim Cramer is starting figure it out. In his response released today, Cramer seemed perplexed by the heat he's getting from the administration and his unlikely support from Rush. It really blows my mind that he's just starting to get this. I mean, the guy is a financial guru - to me this seems it would be in total conflict with having a liberal/progressive ideology. Has ol' Jim had his head in the sand his whole life? He might have "guilty white guy" syndrome where he believes he might have an unethical edge, so in order to assuage his remorse at getting it over on the little man, he embraced liberalism. Makes me wonder if he'll now decide to re-evaluate his left leanings and realize which side of the aisle really works for the common American as well as the economy.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Why doesn't the media fairly cover Obama?

Here's video of the great Obama's oratory skills when he happens to be without his teleprompter. That's well and good. Personally myself, I've blundered and babbled exactly like this in front of people, so I understand his embarrassment at being unable to make a point due to nerves, unpreparedness, lack of rest, or whatever. There's a bigger story here than just Obama's trouble speaking when missing the prompter.

Why isn't the mainstream media covering this? They loved picking on Bush and would have taken every opportunity to do so. It's absolutely disgusting the slant of coverage on Obama and his administration. There are small cracks and fissures here and there, but organizations like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN are all reluctant to air anything critical of the president. There are so many things to take to task, but the major news orgs won't ask anything. And it's not just about the teleprompter.

Why isn't he asked more about the economy? The administration throws out phony-baloney comments about how health care will do it and the road naseum. But, never is it asked specifically why the things that caused this recession are not being addressed RIGHT NOW! They just give him a pass. Is it his presence? Can we not question the president intelligently? It seems like the Twilight Zone at how he's being treated. So I ask the media, when will someone step up and ask the good questions?

Friday, March 6, 2009

The ALGORE continues global warming scam

Well, here it is. The ALGORE shows up to continue ranting about the myth of global warming. I'm surprised he wasn't slowed by the massive bouts of cold, snowy weather that blanketed most of the country this week. It's funny that every time someone is brave enough to challenge him, he just starts to freak out in a maniacal way that reminds me of a child trying to convince everyone that his imaginary friend really, really does exist. At this point, he has to feel like an idiot. There's only two things that can happen with his argument.
  1. He will somehow say that global warming is starting to receed as a consequence of Obama's aggressive energy plan, and we'll all be able to celebrate in the streets that polar bears are making a comeback;
  2. He will get more and more maniacal and re-estimating his estimates or say that the earth is so unstable that now we're starting to cool.
The global warming freaks have already started revising their whole mantra now that evidence has shown that the earth is NOT warming. As is well noted, we've had record cold throughout the world this year. Gore himself has even had to pull out parts of his propaganda movie.

The closer we get to Gore's "10-year prophecy", he will continue to rant and rave uncontrollably. Mark my words, he will NEVER let go of this hoax and he'll take it to his grave. He will still look like and idiot to those that know better, but he will never let it go.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama declares war on.....Rush?

Okay, this is starting to get weird. Rahm Emanuel on "Face the Nation" talking about Rush Limbaugh as if Rush is enemy number one. Well, he probably is the enemy if you are a fan of or prescribe to socialism/communism and the elimination of liberty by way of high taxes. This tells me a couple things:
  1. The Democrats are genuinely afraid of Rush. They know he represents a HUGE voice in terms of the American electorate, and they see him as the biggest threat right now. I haven't seen them attacking Steele or any of the moderates in the party. Rush is scaring the crap out them right now.
  2. The administration is obviously trying to put a wedge in between the moderate and conservative wings of the party. Taking their orders from Press Secretary Robert Gibbs suggestion to the media to challenge Republican leaders, we heard Michael Steele questioned on his allegiance to Rush on CNN. I think we'll be seeing much more of this in the coming days and weeks as the party begins to evaluate if they are going to embrace or turn their backs on Rush.
The Republican party is in shambles right now. The biggest voting block and most advocate in terms of calling their representatives is the audience of Rush. I'm starting to feel sorry for Michael Steele, as he probably feels like he's in the back seat right now.

In my opinion, and for the sake of the country, Steele and the moderates should support and rally around Rush. They had their moderate candidate in McCain - he was the embodiment of EVERYTHING moderate. That choice failed. Look at where we are now - heading towards a socialist mess. Even the Republican moderates must realize that a staunch conservative like Romney would be a much, much better selection than what we have now in Obama.

So, for this reason alone the Republican moderates should come together and embrace the only true vocal opposition to socialism and Obama. And the most prominent leader of this movement right now is Rush Limbaugh.