Friday, May 22, 2009
Cheney vs. Obama
There's been quite a bit of hoopla over the amount of attention Cheney has commanded recently. It seems he is the lone "mainstream" voice for conservatism. I think other Republicans would be better served following his lead instead of cowering in the shadows waiting for poll numbers to see how they should react.
You know, I think our elected officials are examples of just the types of people that should NOT be in positions of power. We need leaders that take a stand, lay out a direction, and vote on principal and NOT cowards who just sit back and wait for unelected personalities to go out fight the battles. Yes, most of our elected Republicans are pussies. Meanwhile, we have Cheney mopping the floor with Obama, while our "brave" officials twiddle their thumbs. Hell, we have Liz Cheney putting up more fight than the bums on Capital Hill. This is proof that fighting works!
Folks, we need to clean house and get the bums out of power - Dems AND Pubs.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Obama complains about debt as he charges away the future
In an ironic turn of events that left me scratching my head and feeling like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone, President Obama said today that he believes the country is in too much debt. If you're any sane individual that has been observing the incredible rate at which the current Congress and Obama have been spending, you are right now scratching your head and screaming "WTF!!!"
I can't even believe that he's saying this. Obama, in concert with the Pelosi/Reid legislature has been the spearhead of the current spending orgy that he has proudly promoted and passed. In light of his seemingly now self-purported poor judgment, he should at least offer the head of those responsible for selling to the American public that this ludicrous spending was the correct way to get the economy going. As he admitted, it wasn't.
Remember, it was Hillary Clinton that was sent over to China just two months ago hustling our seemingly worthless treasury bonds to the ChiComs. And obviously, it stands to reason that if you just print money from nowhere then you will experience inflation. There is at least one big idiot in the administration (I know, many more than that).Obama needs to admit this shortcoming and if he's serious about this statement of reckless spending, then he should immediately rescind this irresponsible budget and get the country back to independence and prosperity.
Once again, the naivete, and arguably outright incompetence of the current administration has sold America short and left us in debt with the worst of our situation yet to arrive (ie. inflation and further unemployment).
Whatever the case, Obama is complaining about the size of the hole all the while he's busy helping to dig it.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Phony veteran used by Colorado Democrat politicians
To help paint the picture of how absurd this whole mythical perpetuation existed, I implore you to read the posting at this site, "This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here." Here it is documented to the extent at which this lie was used in a subversive political attempt to capture military vote.
The local media portrays this guy to be an escaped mental patient. As a matter of fact, I haven't heard one single comment made regarding the political ads that were made during the election cycle. Is the media really this inept at reporting? Were the Democrats really this stupid? I'm inclined to believe that this is just another example of more Democrat voting fraud.
Colorado Springs CBS Affiliate KKTV News
Colorado Springs NBC Affiliate KOAA News
Colorado Springs Gazette
Friday, May 1, 2009
Is Cap and Trade the new subversive tax? You bet it is!
For all the talk coming from the Obama administration regarding his "95% tax cut for all Americans", most of what I've been reading lately is that Obama's funding for his ever growing government (Ala TARP and Stimulus) will be stealth increases such as Cap and Trade. Similar to how the CAFE standards back in the 70's forced industry to regulate emissions and dictate business practices, which in turn increased cost for those particular goods, Cap and Trade is another backdoor energy tax that is reportedly going to cost over $3000 per person, per year.
Truth be told, if most Americans knew their energy bill was going up, there would be zero, zilch, nada support for this. Forget the point that Cap and Trade will do nothing to help the environment. But, when will the mainstream media pick up on this subversive lie that is Cap and Trade?