Friday, February 27, 2009
Unable to sell message, Dems look to silence critics
Folks, when are we going to wake up and realize our freedoms are being eroded one law at a time? I'm not a Republican, but I can smell a fish - especially when it's being stuffed down my throat. They're going after Rush now, but it's really an assault on all of us. Liberals are going after guns, thought, speech, liberty, and individuality. If we don't rise and stop it now, then we deserve every bit of freedom they steal from us.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Realizing unpopularity, Obama trys to sell conservatism
A couple points...he has read the tea leaves and understands that this porkulus bill is very, very unpopular with the majority of working class voters that helped get him in to office. Liberals have a way of telling the "center-right" voters (the majority of Americans) a complete different message than what he actually acts upono. In this case, he signed the biggest spending bill and tomorrow we'll see him on TV selling to the people that we have to cut spending. Don't for once think that he believes this message. He has no intention on cutting back on anything unless it involves the military.
Another thing, he's an idiot if he thinks that his raising taxes is going to create the revenue to bring down the deficit. On the contrary, his tax increase will cut jobs, cut revenue, and his whole card house calculations using fuzzy math will never, EVER come to fruition, as there will be NO TAX BASE CONTRIBUTING. Everyone's going to be collecting unemployment.
Folks, either this guys is smoking crack or he thinks we are. Obama is a socialist and he has no intention of cut backs. Don't be fooled!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Fireworks on CNBC; will the network cave to capitalism?
Oh my...things are really heating up over on CNBC. It's interesting that the liberal slanting parent network is allowing such criticism of the new administration, but I have a feeling it has something to do with ratings. I'm very curious to see how the Nielsen marks will look, but even more curious to see if this type of programming will begin to find it's way into other broadcasts and networks. If it ends up being profitable will broadcasters open the gates to capitalism? Will they compromise ideology for "greed"? We'll know more when the word is in on how Squawk Box is doing. Maybe my premise that the programming is more profitable can be debated, but I don't think it's been tried in the mainstream news media. It seems to work with AM radio, but we'll soon see.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Californians line up at DMV to give cash; broke government says "No thanks"
In a sane world, this would be considered a loss. Oh no... not to the geniuses and flashes of brilliance that operate the California state government. No, folks. You see, the government knows you can't go without registering your car. They have the weight of the law on their side. No, they know you'll be back on Monday. You'll be back with the rest of the clowns that showed up on Friday in addition to the customers that will be showing up as normal. The government loves to have that control of the individual.
And so the wheel spins. This is how government works and this is what we should expect. Even when there are people lined up to hand over money, the government will always be ran at loss. That's what it does - act as a sponge.Take, take, take and give little, little, little.
Let's look at the now liberal bastion of California. What once was a great, prosperous state has been invaded with an ideological disease and we're seeing it right before our eyes. They've taxed the producers of wealth out of the state, they're not brining in revenue. That's what government does. Punish success and then cry when the teet dries up.
If you think this is bad, just wait until they get a hold of health care. Get used to long lines, reduced services, increased wait times. We're devolving into the former Soviet Union and almost to the point of no return. If you doubt, we need no further proof than the failed policies of liberalism at work in California.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Bailout spells disaster for America - Dems are cool with that
Yes, the $900 billion dollar bailout (I have no idea how many zeroes that is) has just passed the house and is now off to the Senate. To the common folk who drink the kool-aid, that means Obama and the new change have voted to indebt the electorate and forbid any salvation on actually fixing the economy. It's no surprise Obama is crying there's no bipartisan support.....I wouldn't want full blame on this disaster either. No, you can take all the "credit" for this one.
Truth of the matter is, the Democrats overplayed their hand in thinking that they could shove whatever spending they wanted down the throats of taxpayers (like I said, who can count that many zeroes?), and that they could marginalize Limbaugh and the conservative constituancy (WHAT?? According to Schuster and those clowns at NBC, I thought ALL Americans had their kool-aid cup), the House Republicans united to say that "No, we will not cowtow to socialism on the backs of our children and livlihoods". I almost cried for AlGore as he tried to explain the ill-effects of global warming as he kicked the snow off his shoe heels. Yep! It would've been worse had it not been for those carbon emissions passed out of my car as I warmed it this morning (it was cold here!).
So, when will America wake up! Imagine a perfect Obama world when government owns everything. Envision everyday life at the DMV....or the Unemployment Office....Or, just think how well they treat you at the Medi-care office. My brother, ex-military with no private health insurance just scheduled an appoinment at the V.A. Bless his heart....I, like you, would think that this would be fine for ex-milityary personal. Yeah....he is in a waiting line for an appointment 4 months from now.....BRILLIANT..... we should have every American do that! Yeah, our ex-soldiers should be worth more.......just think when a regular Shmoe like you are me have to do it....I would hope our servicemen would have it better. What do you think?
If Obama and the Democrat government has it's way, everyone except the elite few who can afford it, will be forced to make appointments MONTHS in advance. If you think health care is bad now, just wait until the government has it. Where will all the Canadians and other poor saps that come from socialist run societies go? Or where will Americans go?
If you are a believer that government is the end all-be all to life (or if you are a celebretard with more money than you earned or deserve), then you are fine with this notion. Sweep your guilt under the doormat of those who will actually have to pay for this. There's a cup of kool-aid waiting for all of you at the front door. Don't ask questions, just drink and nod as you drift off to sleep. Don't spill any on me, I KNOW what's going on here....